Audio recordings
Susan Guner Podcast #74: Psychedelic Conversations with Susan Guner
interviews Rev. Dr. Jessica Rochester - Ayahuasca Awakening
This podcast covers the difference between entheogens and psychedelics, the importance of apprenticeship,
role models in western civilization, recreational use of psychedelics, spiritual emergency
and awakenings, spiritualizing psychopathology.

Dr Darian Parker Podcast
Dr D interviews Rev Dr Jessica Rochester: A Thirst for Wholeness;
Psychedelics, Apprenticeship and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

​TrueLife Podcasts:
Ayahuasca Awakening – The Four Cornerstones of Self-Care Part Two – Self-Love

​Ayahuasca Awakening – The Four Cornerstones of Self-Care Part One – Self-Awareness

Rev Dr Jessica Rochester and Dr Sandra Dreisbach, Ethical Challenges in the
Contemporary Use of Entheogens and Psychedelics.

​Self-Mastery and Self-Care: the Challenges on the Journey of Self-Mastery.

Attachment, Meaning and the Search for the Real Self

True Life Podcast
George Monty interviews Rev Dr Jessica Rochester
To listen click on listen on spotify
Rev. Dr. Jessica (Madrinha Jessica) Rochester - Ayahuasca Awakening 1
Rev. Dr. Jessica (Madrinha Jessica) Rochester -Ayahuasca Awakenings 2
Spiritual Reality - Alternate States of Consciousness with Rev. Dr. Jessica
Rochester, Dr. David A. Salomon and Benjamin C George
Inter-Faith Interview Rev Dr Rochester with Nicholas Raymond
An interview with Rev Dr Jessica Rochester about the Inter-Faith movement and the diversity of her own
spiritual and religious experiences.
Doing Not Doing: Creating a Quality of Presence
A presentation on how to support people going through difficult experiences, drawing on the work of
Stan Grof, Ram Dass, and Jack Kornfield, and the guardianship tradition in the Santo Daime.
Hosted by Montreal Psychedelic Society / Société Psychédélique de Montréal April 7, 2018
Integrating Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness
An overview of the transpersonal “Maps” of the human experience that are awoken by non-ordinary
states of consciousness.
Hosted by Montreal Psychedelic Society / Société Psychédélique de Montréal September 6, 2017